01/10/2026 au 14/10/2026

Triton Bay

Le Damai II est un bateau de croisière plongées de gamme luxe, il est légèrement plus grand que le Damai 1 mais les differences sont principalement au niveau de leur itinéraire car ils essayent avec ses 2 bateaux d'offrir le maximum de choix a leur plongeurs habitues. Il peut accueillir 12 plongeurs à son bord.

02/10/2026 au 09/10/2026


Lamima is a high-end standard liveaboard, offering only private dive and leisure charter trips in Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar according to the seasons, it can only accommodate up to 14 guests.

03/10/2026 au 10/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Maldives Blue Force 3 is a deluxe standard dive liveaboard runs by Blue Froce Fleet, offering professional diving trips around Maldives according to the seasons, it can accommodate 26 guests.

03/10/2026 au 10/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Princess Ulua is a deluxe standard liveaboard, it offering dive liveaboard trips all around the Maldives according to the seasons, It can accommodate 20 guests.

06/10/2026 au 28/10/2026

Mer de Banda

Nommée "Croisière Plongée Boutique", Arenui offre une excellente qualité de services et de nourriture. Ce navire peut accueillir un maximum de 16 passagers qui pourront compter sur l aide d' un staff toujours disponible. Votre expérience à bord sera inoubliable!

07/10/2026 au 14/10/2026

Maldives Centre

White Pearl is a high-end standard liveaboard, it offering dive liveaboard trips all around the Maldives according to the seasons, It can accommodate 26 guests.

07/10/2026 au 18/10/2026

Mer de Banda

Coralia is a high-end standard liveaboard, offering professional scuba diving trips in Indonesia according to the seasons, it can accommodate up to 16 guests.

08/10/2026 au 11/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Navaimaa is a deluxe standard liveaboard, offering dive & leisure charter trips in the Maldives according to the seasons, It can accommodate 8 - 10 guests.

09/10/2026 au 16/10/2026


Lamima is a high-end standard liveaboard, offering only private dive and leisure charter trips in Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar according to the seasons, it can only accommodate up to 14 guests.

10/10/2026 au 17/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Maldives Blue Force 3 is a deluxe standard dive liveaboard runs by Blue Froce Fleet, offering professional diving trips around Maldives according to the seasons, it can accommodate 26 guests.

10/10/2026 au 17/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Princess Ulua is a deluxe standard liveaboard, it offering dive liveaboard trips all around the Maldives according to the seasons, It can accommodate 20 guests.

13/10/2026 au 15/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Navaimaa is a deluxe standard liveaboard, offering dive & leisure charter trips in the Maldives according to the seasons, It can accommodate 8 - 10 guests.

13/10/2026 au 22/10/2026


Le Damai 1 est un bateau de croisière de luxe qui navigue sur les mers d'Indonésie toute l'année. Il vous fera découvrir Raja Ampat, Komodo, Cendrawasih Bay et Triton Bay grâce à une formidable croisière plongées. Il peut accueillir 12 plongeurs à son bord.

14/10/2026 au 21/10/2026


Black Pearl is a deluxe standard professional dive yacht runs by Pearl Fleet, it offering scuba trips all around Palau, it can accommodate 22 guests.

14/10/2026 au 21/10/2026

Maldives Centre

White Pearl is a high-end standard liveaboard, it offering dive liveaboard trips all around the Maldives according to the seasons, It can accommodate 26 guests.

17/10/2026 au 23/10/2026

Visayas et Leyte

Tubbataha Reef, Apo Reef, Coron et les Visayas a bord du SeaDoors. C'est un bateau agréable et qui vient juste d'être complètement rénové. Idéal pour les groupe et club en croisière Philippines pour maximum 16 personnes.

17/10/2026 au 24/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Maldives Blue Force 3 is a deluxe standard dive liveaboard runs by Blue Froce Fleet, offering professional diving trips around Maldives according to the seasons, it can accommodate 26 guests.

17/10/2026 au 24/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Navaimaa is a deluxe standard liveaboard, offering dive & leisure charter trips in the Maldives according to the seasons, It can accommodate 8 - 10 guests.

17/10/2026 au 24/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Princess Ulua is a deluxe standard liveaboard, it offering dive liveaboard trips all around the Maldives according to the seasons, It can accommodate 20 guests.

17/10/2026 au 28/10/2026

Triton Bay

Le Damai II est un bateau de croisière plongées de gamme luxe, il est légèrement plus grand que le Damai 1 mais les differences sont principalement au niveau de leur itinéraire car ils essayent avec ses 2 bateaux d'offrir le maximum de choix a leur plongeurs habitues. Il peut accueillir 12 plongeurs à son bord.

21/10/2026 au 28/10/2026


Black Pearl is a deluxe standard professional dive yacht runs by Pearl Fleet, it offering scuba trips all around Palau, it can accommodate 22 guests.

21/10/2026 au 28/10/2026

Maldives Centre

White Pearl is a high-end standard liveaboard, it offering dive liveaboard trips all around the Maldives according to the seasons, It can accommodate 26 guests.

21/10/2026 au 01/11/2026

Mer de Banda

Coralia is a high-end standard liveaboard, offering professional scuba diving trips in Indonesia according to the seasons, it can accommodate up to 16 guests.

24/10/2026 au 31/10/2026

Maldives Centre

Maldives Blue Force 3 is a deluxe standard dive liveaboard runs by Blue Froce Fleet, offering professional diving trips around Maldives according to the seasons, it can accommodate 26 guests.

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